Thursday 24 January 2013

The religion of the Vedic period (1500 BC to 500 BC[1]) (also known as Vedism, Vedicas, ancient Hinduism.The real meaning of hindus is( هندو hindū, An Indian; black; a servant; a slave; a robber; an infidel; a watchman; a mole on the cheek of a mistress) we not black, servant; slave; robber; an infidel; watchman; so i prefer as ancient name vedicas means follower of Vedas means Wisdom

This name is given at The emergence of the Achaemenid empire in Persia, founded by Hakhāmaniš saw parts of northwestern subcontinent(modern day Pakistan) come under Persian rule. Indian emissaries were present at the courts of Cyrus the Great or Kurush (590 BCE – 529 BCE),
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